Summer Break-ins Affect Glen Armil

Davenport Police #1Mike Van Hulle lives in the 700 block of Rusholme and reports that someone or someones broke into his locked garage late Sunday or early Monday. Missing from the garage were three bikes. Since I first posted this report, I became aware of even more crime reports from Davenport PD and GANA residents.  Go to Crime Reports to keep advised on crime in the neighborhood.

Specifically, B&Es were reported in the 2100 block of Marquette, the 2100 block of Myrtle and in the alley behind the 1000 block of Rusholme where 5 garages were burgled in one night recently and bikes were the preferred booty.  also related to the Rusholme B&Es, a truck was briefly taken but later returned with a broken window.  Outside of our GANA boundaries but nearby more B&E’s were noted and two sexual assaults were reported, also.  6 B&Es were reported in the neighborhood in the last 30 days, making the month one of the most crime filled the neighborhood has experienced.  Summer is the preferred time to burgle residences, perhaps because of the perceived opportunities summer affords.

While we feel outraged that our neighborhood is the target of break-ins, it is a reminder to us all to secure our property at all times. If you are concerned about the safety of your property, you can arrange with Davenport PD to go over your home with an officer, and they can point out things that you can do to improve security. Deadbolt locks are an obvious improvement to a single doorknob, but if there is a window or sidelight of glass in or near the door, you may be better off with a doubled keyed deadbolt lock.  This requires a key to operate the lock inside as well as outside.  I am not suggesting Mike was negligent, only suggesting that this serve as a reminder to us all to do the best job we can to provide security.

deadboltNot every resident will share information about security issues with GANA, so we assume there has been other crime in our neighborhood this summer.  Please be a good neighbor and call 911 if you see anything suspicious.  911 is the number you must use even if you do not perceive the issue as an emergency.  The consolidated dispatch system tracks calls and the Davenport PD uses these calls to build statistics and plan strategy for fighting crime.  The dispatcher may answer with “What is your emergency?” Don’t let that deter you, calmly explain that this is not an emergency and state that you have seen individuals who look out of place and are acting suspiciously.  You may be asked to give a location and their description.  You can remain anonymous or you can give your name, you will not be pressured to give personal information.


About jwelch

Past president, and at-large board member of Glen Armil Neighborhood Association. Recently he served on Davenport Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the SAU Neighborhood Relations Council. Has held many volunteer positions at his church and has been involved as a Library board member in Wisconsin, President of Reedsburg, Wisconsin Little League. Years ago he traveled to Florida for relief work after Hurricane Andrew and also to Grand Forks, ND after flooding on the Red River devastated the community. Jim has been married to his wife Donna since 1971, has two sons and 5 grandchildren. He has lived in Glen Armil neighborhood since 1983. He has been a school teacher and a painting contractor, but now retired.
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